Join us for a thought-provoking video workshop led by Britney Supernault, an inspiring Indigenous activist, as she shares her powerful journey from witnessing environmental devastation to becoming a formidable advocate for climate action.Britney’s story is one...
Join us for a book reading and a conversation about “Together We Drum, Our Hearts Beat as One” with author Willie Poll and illustrator Chief Lady Bird. In this workshop, these two change-makers speak about the power of matriarchs, the drum, and joining together to...
Kairyn (Kai) Potts (he/him) is proudly Nakota Sioux from Treaty 6 Territory (Paul Band FN and the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation). He is a proud two-spirit person and Indigenous content creator. As a former board member for 2Spirits in Motion and Youth Suicide Prevention...
T’áncháy Redvers [they/them] is a Dene & Métis two-spirit writer, creator, speaker and multidisciplinary performer belonging to Deninu K’ue First Nation in Treaty 8 territory. With a background in international and community development, youth empowerment, mental...
T’áncháy Redvers [they/them] is a Dene & Métis two-spirit writer, creator, speaker and multidisciplinary performer belonging to Deninu K’ue First Nation in Treaty 8 territory. With a background in international and community development, youth empowerment, mental...