Brandi Morin to Deliver Campaign Day Keynote

Brandi Morin to Deliver Campaign Day Keynote

Brandi Morin is a storyteller, a survivor and a passionate advocate for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-spirit people. As the keynote speaker for Moose Hide Campaign Day, she envisions a future where violence against Indigenous women and girls is...
The Moose Hide Pin – A Gift of Medicine

The Moose Hide Pin – A Gift of Medicine

The heart of the Moose Hide Campaign is the pin – a small square of moose hide that we offer as a medicine for a social illness impacting all Canadians – namely domestic and gender-based violence against women and children, and particularly indigenous...
Changing The World, One Pin at a Time

Changing The World, One Pin at a Time

Teale Phelps Bondaroff describes himself as an “activist academic.” His impressive breadth of work is hard to whittle down to one category. He’s a Councillor for the District of Saanich. He’s the Director of Research for the marine conservation organization...

Victoria Royals Partner with Moose Hide Campaign

The Victoria Royals Hockey Club partnership with the Moose Hide Campaign shows the hockey team’s commitment to reconciliation and standing up against violence towards women and children. Partnerships like this are vital to shedding light on the issue of gender-based...