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Thank you for your interest in supporting the Moose Hide Campaign!
The Moose Hide Campaign recognizes that all forms of violence are unacceptable, regardless of gender. We are also aware of the disproportionate number of women who are victims of domestic and gender-based violence and the importance of engaging men and boys in addressing this issue.
Our non-profit organization was founded in response to the tragic reality of the over 1200 missing or murdered Indigenous women and girls. We have now become one of Canada’s most recognized and embraced responses to our country’s need to address reconciliation and gender-based violence.
Support reconciliation
Help promote the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
Indigenous Women and Girls’ Calls for Justice
Help address gender-based and domestic violence. Show your organization’s commitment to standing up against violence towards women and children.
Reach a nationwide audience
Canadians from coast to coast to coast – in classrooms, workplaces, and communities – will take part in Moose Hide Campaign Day 2023. Sponsorship is a valuable and effective way to reach this large audience.
Promote cultural sensitivity and anti-racism
This is a practical and effective way to increase cultural sensitivity and understanding of the intergenerational impacts of colonization and residential schools and help address racism against Indigenous Peoples.
Encourage healthy masculinity
Help men and boys to demonstrate their commitment to practicing and supporting healthy masculinity.
Create safe spaces and workplaces
Your organization, workplace, or community can use the Campaign to raise awareness about gender-based violence and help create environments that are free from harassment and violence.
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Charitable registration
#78369 6479RR0001