Carleton University’s Ojigkwanong Centre in Ottawa, Ontario inaugurated a newly renovated medicine room at Ojigkwanong Centre. The Moose Hide Campaign Development Society was honoured to support the project and be present at the inauguration of this Safe Space, Safe Place campus project. The medicine room presents an opportunity for students to practice ceremony, learn from sharing experiences and speak with visiting Elders as a part of the Knowledge Keepers program.
Within this circular shaped room, the ceiling was painted, and cedar panels were installed along the walls. Cedar benches were also installed to surround the inside of the room. The installation of cedar brings warmth to the room while at the same time reflecting the appearance and feel of a lodge. The intentions of this renovation were to enhance this safe space to make it comfortable, welcoming and inviting to students and the Carleton community. With the renovation, this space will be a more comfortable and peaceful area to heal, practice ceremonies, and learn from and speak to elders. This legacy project is recognized by the Moose Hide Campaign as a call to action in creating a safer place for students to express culture, share ideas and learnings in a space that is welcomed to all students at the institution.